Many people fast for religious or spiritual reasons. There is nothing wrong with fasting for these reasons and short term fasts lasting no longer than three days causes no health problems in healthy individuals.
If you decide to go on a fast, whatever the reason, it is important that you take the time to prepare beforehand. Do not go from eating fast food one day to eating nothing the next. Instead, eat light and whole foods the days before you fast. Be sure to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables.
During your fast, be sure to rest both your body and mind. Do not exert yourself physically during the fasting period. Do not dwell on the food that you will eat when your fast is complete. Since it is a spiritual time, many people choose to pray or meditate while they are fasting.
Just as you should not eat a heavy meal before your fast, do not end your fast with a heavy meal. Have a bowl of potato soup when you first come off of your fast. Eat a few light meals of fruits and vegetables to get your body readjusted to eating.
A day long fast is the best for people who have not fasted before. You can choose to consume fruit and vegetable juice during your fast so that your body has some nutrients and calories. Others choose to drink only water on their fast. A water fast is more difficult, but works well with some people.
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